Yes and no. Yes in the morning and stuff when you go to PUBLIC rooms only. But no as well if you go into any of the dating rooms. And stay away from people who have eye patches because they'll chew you up and spit you out. And wierdos will sometimes be like *punches in face* but i ignore it or say: ow? was that supposed to hurt? sorry i did'nt feel it through the cords. Habbo is like life and there's good and bad people just like anywhere, but you just have to live with it.
No, you must be at least 12 to create a habbo hotel for safety reasons, it is a teen site
No, it doesn't. But! There are sites which are like Habbo and say where you can get free coins and furniture. Do not believe them. These sites, called retro's, do have a virus. Be sure you are only on the site: habbo.xx (local land domain on the place of xx). That is the safe Habbo. is the US habbo site :)
Simply, the newest Flash Player is recommended by Habbo. It is usually a free download via the Flash site.
Before Habbo CA and Habbo USA opened, Habbo UK was the main Habbo site that everyone goes to other than Habbo Sweden, Norway, and other European Habbo sites. It caused others much lag, therefore, Sulake created Habbo Canada (CA) and Habbo USA so that Canadians and Americans alike can go to their own area's Habbo, but since before they were opened, many people pretty much prefer UK as most of their friends are out of state.
What are habbo retros: Habbo Retros are rubbish clients who try and copy Habbo's client. As Habbo is protected by Copyright. Making, playing, and certainly owning one is against the law. Are they safe: Most Habbo Retro's steal all your information and hack into your account on Habbo. This will mean you will get scammed. However, some (I bet none though), do make it for your entertatinment. Habbo never advises you to go one, and certainly never make purchases with them (e.g Super VIP [Push, Pull, Override,etc. Commands]).
I only know of two sites that are similar to Habbo. Habbo, of course. And then there is It provides free credits. But it is not related to Habbo. You can buy the same items you can on Habbo. Also, you get 1000 credits each time you log in and enter the hotel on Habbok. I would reccomend Habbok, It is a very safe site, but it doesn't have as many people.
Unfortunately for all us habbo lovers, once you have purchased, or won credits on a different habbo site E.G (habbo france) or a habbo retro, they carnt be transferred to any other habbo site. sorry, and hoped this helped =]
A fake Habbo site.
You can deactivate your Habbo account from the settings on the actual site.
Hey there, you are probably here because you need coins to buy furni or habbo club but your mom or dad wont let you buy coins. Am I Right? Ok Well I Have Found A Cheat It Gives 1000 Free Habbo Credits Want 1000 Credits? Go To This Site Instead Of Buying Credits There Is A Way On The Site That Gives Them For Free. On The Site There Is A Way To Get 1000 Credits Its All Scam Free Hope You Enjoy! Ok Well On The Site There Is A Tuturiol To How To Get Free Habbo Credits By A Phone Now He Has Somehow Hooked A New Credit Hotline With It Giving 1000 Credits Insted Of 10 And Also Made It Free (Because Its His Hotline And Hes Paying To Run The Hotline So Your Not Paying To Call It.) Now This Is 100% Free When You GO TO The Site It Comes Up A Page It Asks For Your Username You Enter It Then The Site Will Go To The Habbo Credit System And Get Your Free Personal Code. You Ring The Free Credit Hotline Enter Your Code And Presto 1000 Free Habbo Credits So Go TO This Site If You Need Credits ( ) Habbo Rox When Your Rich!!
You have to pay for habbo coin codes unfortunately. Check the habbo site for more information.