halo odst may be ok but dont fall for the pic on the cover i fell 4 it 1 time and the game sucked but it was not halo odst if u want to play it rent it 4 a day
Thats someone elses answer. but i also think that it has great graphics and a good game play but the firefight as fun as it looks i would still go for halo reach for firefight and gameplay so what im trying to say is halo odst is not horibble but its not as good as halo reach
i say no and yes because halo3odst is very boring when you have to investigate for you cahn do the next mission and i say yes because its very fun in the missions and the game looks almost real on some parts and you can do "FIREFIGHT" which is like horde in gears of war2 but its in halo3 and u could customize your ODST and play it on firefight......(30 percent no.70 percent yes)
in HALO 3 you are a Spartan and in HALO 3 ODST you are a Orbital Drop Strike Trooper (ODST)
yes totally
I would say Halo 3 ODST
Halo 3 ODST is not for PC but Halo 1 and maybe Halo 2-3 are
Halo 3: ODST is the newest of the two, but not the newest Halo game.
halo 3 odst, unlike halo 3, has no matchmaking, sorry
Yes you can get the mongoose on Halo ODST
Halo 3 ODST will be released on September 22
Yes and no. You do not need Halo 3 to play ODST. And you do not need to have played Halo 3 to play ODST. It is an expansion of the Halo storyline. I happens concurrently. No its not this is not an expansion of the story this is just another part of the story.... so basically whats happening in the game halo 3 is happening at the same time as whats happening in halo 3 odst.... They are just two different battle fields. ODST are not Spartans either they are like elite marines Halo 3 odst is between halo 2 and halo 3.
I am not sure. I don't work for binge but I do know that halo 3 odst takes place in Halo 2 and they were going going to name It halo 4 odst but they named halo 3 odst
Yes, but technically it is just Halo: ODST as it was renamed.ACTTUALY IT;S HALO 3: ODST. TRY DOING SOME RESEARCH NEXT TIME
halo 3 odst