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Pokemon Platinum is A DS game ONLY

But if you want to play it on PC

download no$gba emulator (DS) & Pokemon platinum ROM

OR unless you can hack Pokemon platinum to be compatible to play on vba/gba

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13y ago
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10y ago

Pokemon Red is not specifically for the Game Boy Color, but you can play it on a Game Boy Color console. Pokemon Red was originally released for the Game Boy along with Pokemon Blue.

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16y ago

No, it'll be for the Nintendo Ds.

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15y ago

no its for the ds

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13y ago

no but Pokemon silver is

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How do you trade red Pokemon on Game Boy color to green Pokemon on Game Boy Advance?

You can't trade Pokemon between GameBoy Color and GameBoy Advance. Sorry.

Can you trade from Pokemon Yellow to Pokemon FireRed?

No, since Pokémon Yellow is on the Game Boy Color, and Pokémon Fire Red is on the Game Boy Advance, it is not possible to trade between these games. The Game Boy Color is not compatible with the Game Boy Advance.

Can you link Pokemon yellow and red with cable for Game Boy color?

yes you can

Why can't you trade from Pokemon Red to crystal?

Because you can't trade from game boy color to Game boy ADVance

Can you trade Pokemon between red for regular Game Boy and silver for Game Boy color?

no there is no multi system link cord

Can you battle between Pokemon FireRed for Game Boy Advance and Pokemon red for game boy color with each being played on their respective platforms?

I don't think so.

Can you trade Pokemon red version for Game Boy Color to Pokemon gold version for Game Boy Color?

All you need to do is have bill set up the time machine, then you can trade. There are some rules and restrictions, such as no new Pokemon can go in.

Can you trade between Pokemon firered or leafgreen and yellow red or blue versions?

No you cannot trade from Game Boy Color And Game boy Advance.

Is Pokemon Red a Game Boy Advance game?

No, it is an original Game Boy game. The GBA remake was called Pokemon Fire Red version.

How do you get Pokemon 7?

Pokemon 7 is charmander it is a starter in leaf green fire red and most Game boy color games

Can you play Pokemon Red on a Game Boy Advanced SP?

Yes, you can play the game on a Game Boy Advance SP. The Game Boy Advance SP can play both Game Boy and Game Boy Color games, in addition to Game Boy Advance games.