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Yes. He was a dream created by the dying people of Zanarkand.

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Q: Is Tidus from FFX a dream?
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Who is tidus from FFX?

Tidus is the main character of FFX and he plays for the Zanarkand Abes blitzball team

How do you get the sigil for tidus' ultimate weapon in FFX?

You need to beat the chocobo trainer in the Calm Lands with a time of 0:00.

Did yuna in FFX get married?

No. Her marriage ceremony to Seymour is interrupted by Tidus et al. She is never married to Tidus, despite their relationship's development.

Why doesn't Yuna marry Tidus even though she loves him?

She can't because remember Tidus is from the dream world.

Where can you get clothes like Tidus has on in Final Fantasy X?

I'm sure there are plenty of cosplay websites out there stocking his costume. Why not search 'FFX Tidus cosplay outfit' or something like that? You'll definitely come up with something, but you'll have to order it online.

Why does Tidus fade away in Final Fantasy 10?

Tidus isn't truly real. The place he comes from, 'Dream' Zanarkand, is the cumulative dreams of the deceased fayth. Once Sin was destroyed, Dream Zanarkand ceased to exist, and with it, so did Tidus.

Can you still play ffx after tidus is gone?

No, you can't, but there is a sequal to it where you find Tidus! Or who ever you named him... But it alot more girlyish because you're 3 chicks that are named Pain, Rikku, and Yuna. It really good and just to spoil some things... LULU IS A PREGO! By who you ask? Play the game!!

Was Tidus alive in Final Fantasy X?

We can't really say if he did, but we know that he disappears at the end because Tidus wasn't really part of their story-he was just a dream character, a figment. He was brought there because of Jecht who asked Auron to find him in the past and bring him to the future so that he could kill Sin, whom Jecht had turned into. It's still a mystery to how he was able to return in FF X-2. Short Answer: Let's think about that for a moment. For someone to die, they must first live. But did Tidus really "live" in the first place? The short answer is no, so we can conclude that he technically didn't die. Long answer: Before the destructions of Zanarkand, the people living there (this was long before Tidus, or even Jecht) dreamed up the dream world Zanarkand, the world that never sleeps, the world that Jecht and Tidus was born into. So really, he was a dream figure that visited the real life via Sin (his father, who wished Tidus to experience the real world). When the end came and Sin was destroyed, the "souls" that dreamt up the dream Zanarkand were able to stop dreaming, which means all dream figures (including Tidus) would disappear. Thus, he first became translucent, then faded away. In Final Fantasy X-2, the memories gathered from the people he knew and the pyreflies projecting his images were able to create the actual Tidus, the one that they were familiar with. It is theorized that the attraction pyreflies show to the energy of strong memories is not restricted to the Farplane, nor are the spirits of the dead necessarily required to manifest their spiritual energy in order to interact with the living on physical terms. This is the the reason why the ending was the way it was, because Tidus was able to be generated with help of those who knew him best.

When was Tidus created?

Tidus was created in 2001.

Does tidus die?

no tidus was something created by the faith to help yuna on her mission 2 defeat sin... once sin is destroyed tidus disapears along with it BUT!!! in ff-x2 tidus wakes up on the beach in besaid and yuna comes and finds him.... and they run off to the whole village together *pretty corny*

Is auron bad?

no Auron is not bad in ffx (final fantasy x) or in ffx-2 but he's not in ffx-2.

Is ffx-2 international playable in us?

No. The PAL release (for Europe and Australia) featured all the new content that came in International, but for NTSC the only option for this content is to play the Japanese release. The Japanese International version features English voice acting with the option of Japanese or English text. To play FFX International you need an NTSC-J console, a modified console, or an emulator on a powerful PC.