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Uryu is not technically evil. He joined the Vandenreich and backstabbed his friends. He didn't kill anyone so he isn't evil.

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Q: Is Uryu Ishida Evil
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When is uryu ishida's birthday?

November 11th

How old is Uryu Ishida?

He is about 15-18 years old.

Bleach anime Does any one think we will see more uryu isheda a kid with the hole Quincy arc and all?

It is possible that Uryu Ishida will be seen more in Bleach.

How is uryu ishida an echt Quincy?

Uryu is an Echt Quincy because his mother is also an Echt Quincy. Because his mother's blood flows through his veins, he is an Echt Quincy.

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The only cast so far is Yangai, Kotaro as Uryu Ishida

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Who is uryu ishida's love interest?

As some may not know the bount Uryu likes dies.Uryu I think will end up with Nemu the squad twelve luteninute. I believe this because Nemu gave the antidote to Uryu. I think they would make a great couple.

Who is the guy with the bow in bleach tv show?

it's either Uryu ishida who calls himself the last Quincy who is basically a human with special powers or it's Ryukken Ishida, Uryu's father who doesn't care for quincies or soul reapers. he however was a quincy and still as his powers since they do not fade easily.

Where can you find Bleach coloring pages?

go to google and type in which character you want such as ichigo,orhime,kenpachi zaraki and uryu ishida

Bleach anime Does uryu isheda love his father and or vice versa?

In the Bleach Anime, Uryuu Ishida does love his father and vice versa.

What was the first time Ashido showed up in bleach?

if memory serves correctly..he doesn't make it thou the exit, he stays and kills the giant evil hallow-like thing...the light purple one..with the permanent smile...

Who does Ishida from bleach fall in love with?

chad does show affection for orihime and rukia but he is rather detached and only shows friendship as an external relationship with the soul society group and has "so far" not shown "love" towards any characters in bleach