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No matter how hard you find your school is, don't because it will not help you in the long run. Study harder, have fun while your young and fulfill your dream. Cheating while your in school will not make you a good student.

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Q: Is cheating in school good
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How do you get the first in school without cheating or hardworking?

You can only do that by hard work. Cheating does not do good for any in long term.

How do you get A's in school without studying?

The only way you can get A's in school without studying would be cheating on all your exams. Cheating is never good as the only person you are cheating is yourself because you are not learning just getting the good grades. In the long run it will hurt you more than help you.

What is the meaning of cheating in school?

cheating in the school is meant by the copying in the school in exams from any other student and writing this on his paper no only exams anywhere this is called a cheating in school

How does cheating affect the student?

Well if the student gets away with it then they get a good grade, but absolutely no knowledge of the subject they are cheating in. If they don't get away with it then they (probably) get a permanent mark on their school records plus whatever disciplinary actions the school decides on.

Is cheating good idea?

Cheating at ANYTHING is never a good idea.

What do you do if your friend is cheating at school?

ANSWER:Be a good friend with this person. A good friend will always protect, and make sure that he or she will not ruin his or her life because of cheating. A good friend will do everything so this person will not make anything against school regulation. It's okay to be blunt, it's okay if your friend gets mad at you but in a long run this friend of yours will be grateful for what you are trying to do..

Who do you contact about reporting a school for cheating?

The school board of the district that the school is located in.

Is cheating out of control in?

Yes cheating in a school is considered as out of control. This is because cheating is not allowed in schools. IF one cheats that person breaks the rules.Yes cheating in a school is considered as being out of control . One should not cheat because it is bad . One should not do bad things.

What is a good website for state reports?

WikiAnswers is not going to help you copy reports for school - that's cheating, and not only is it wrong but you can get suspended or expelled for doing it.

Is it a criminal offense to cheat in a high school exam?

No. However, cheating in school does have consequences.

Should you stay with your husband he constantly accuses you of cheating on him?

no because he is to good for you you cheating scum

How do you keep your girl from cheating?

be good to her