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Q: Is craftbukkit free
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Related questions

Do you have to pay to run a mine craft server?

For some, yes. For others, like CraftBukkit and Hamachi, nope. It's free.

Is there any plugin to CraftBukkit that you can turn Portal On or Off with a lever?

Actually, no.

Does Big Brother work for free build servers?

I guess you are talking about minecraft...since there is not technically a thing like a "freebuild" server, yeah it does...youll need craftbukkit, i think mysql and php.

How do you make yourself owner on you craftbukkit minecraft server?

it's a plugin called Permissions.

How do you install iConomy for a Minecraft server?

You will need a CraftBukkit server (see link below) with a compatible build to install the plugin.

What is an RPG Minecraft Server?

This is the type of CraftBukkit server that runs an RPG Plugin that allows leveling up, in-depth combat techniques, etc.

How do you set up a minecraft 1.8 server with craftbukkit?

There are tons of tutorials out there. If you are running Minecraft Beta 1.8, you should update to the newest version.

How do you set up commands on a minecraft server?

If you have a normal server, you have to op people from the console to give them permissions. If you have a craftbukkit server, you can download a plugin for permissions.

How do you update a craft bukkit server for minecraft?

Download the latest CraftBukkit server from corner of the home page). For plugins, click on 'Get Plugins'.

How you get titles in front of player names on Minecraft servers such as admin and guest?

In order to do this, you should make your server run on CraftBukkit (Download the latest recommended build [DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK]) and download a plugin for this kind of labeling.

How do I create a password for me and my ops on my Minecraft server?

Unless you have a plugin for a CraftBukkit server (although I don't think there even is a plugin for this), then you can't. Just don't give your IP out to people you don't want joining your server.

What is a bukkitserver in Minecraft?

This is the modified servers list for Minecraft Servers. The use of Bukkit / Craftbukkit will enhance the server with a lot of great features, to help give the server more options/functions and it gives an gateway for plugin designers to make even more crazy functionality to the game.