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Since Custom Robo Arena can be played on DS you can most likely get an emulator for your PC and play it. Hope it helped :)

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When did Custom Robo Arena happen?

Custom Robo Arena happened in 2006.

When was Custom Robo Arena created?

Custom Robo Arena was created on 2006-10-19.

What is the have all parts code for custom robo arena?

there arent any codes on custom robo arena

Are there cheats for custom robo arena?

yes there is

In custom robo arena can you fight your mom?


Where is Mr. Stubbs in custom robo arena?

he is at the river

How can you skip chapters in custom robo arena?

You cant.

Who is hajime in custom robo arena?

It's Eddy

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Is Custom Robo Arena the last Custom Robo game?

So far it is, no plans have been made for a new one.

Custom robo arena cheats?

I have beat the game and there are no cheats

Where do you find the legendary robo chick in custom robo arena?

In the Clubhouse, go to the back left crate, its there