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The PS4 or the Xbox720 is not likely to come out anytime soon. If you want a PS3, go ahead and get one.

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Q: Is it better to buy a PS3 after Christmas or wait for the PS4?
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Wait for the ps4 it will have better graphics

Should I get a PS4 or keep my Ps3 so I can play with my friends?

Keep the PS3 and play with your friends and wait for them to get it, or you can just buy a PS4 and wait for them to get one.

Should you wait and get the PS4 or get ps3?

If you don't have a console yet it might be better to wait the 6 months for the PS4 since you will have to spend much more than just the $399 cost for the console or the $499 for some of the bundles.

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the ps3 is better than the ps3 cause visuals

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You can get a PS3 and the PS4 is not an actual product. If you want a console buy a PS3 because the PS4 can not even be preordered it's release is so far in the future

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Should you wait for a PS4 or buy a PS3 already-its 2011?

You still have 6 months to wait and it's june 2013

Is it worth getting a ps3 or waiting for PS4?

Better buy the PS3 the PS4 is only a false rumor that is years old with no product in site and you are missing some great PS3 prices on nice systems Might as well get ps3 now because ps4 wont come out for another two to three years. Save your money after you get ps3 so you can enjoy it until ps4.

Is nba 2k14 PS4 has better graphics then ps3?

Yes it's the next gen.

Is xbox 360 and PS3 the same?

No. Microsoft makes the xbox 360 and sony makes the PS3. The PS3 has a bluejay drive and the 360 does not. PS4 is better spec wise but the 360 has a better community.

Grand Theft Auto V will be more beautiful on PS4 than PS3?

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V will look much better on PS4 than on PS3 as revealed by the released trailer.

How do you you get a free PS3?

You pray to god that someone from your family will be kind enough to buy you a ps3 for christmas. Really there are no free lunches everything has a cost and sites that said you get a free PS3 now say PS4