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The cost of EVE online is 14.95 $19.95 a month. After getting to know and play the game, you are able to purchase in game items called a PLEX (Pilot Licence Extension) with isk, the money in the game.

When you first sign up, if from the main site, you only get a 14 day trial.

If someone (like me) that plays sends you an invite, you get a 21 day trial.

Hope this helped, let me know please.

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15y ago

You can play EVE for free, but it takes a bit of work. You have to have an established account, which will take an initial investment. CCP (the publisher of EVE) sells game time cards (GTC) that are good for 60 days of play time. It is a pre-paid subscription. However, CCP allows limited and controlled trading of these GTC's for the in-game currency (ISK).

Players will often purchase a GTC and sell it for in-game currency to boost their game wallet a little.

Others players produce enough resources in-game to afford to keep their account active completely through GTCs, purchasing GTCs with their in-game currency. It takes some effort and somewhat regular playing, but you can play the game for "free" (no money).

hope the webiste can help you.

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