The only thing where you should buy things related to RuneScape and FunOrb are from Web sites with the domains,, or All other sites are extremely doubtful, to say the least. Don't give anybody your password, and ESPECIALLY don't type it on a Web site that is not from one of the official domains! They may use it to steal your account.
The most interesting thing to buy from RuneScape or FunOrb is a membership. This gives you many additional options for playing - for example, in RuneScape, many, many more quests, extra skills to train, extra activities, and a much larger map - as well as faster ways to get experience. The RuneScape membership costs about 6-8 US-dollars per month, depending on the payment option used.
Buying or selling RuneScape gold or items is illegal, and is against the RuneScape Rules. Any player found to have bought or sold RuneScape gold/items for real money is likely to have their account permanently banned. Never search for or visit websites that promise to sell RuneScape gold or items. Neverenter your RuneScape username, password, recovery questions or other account details on any non-Jagex site. If you ever do visit a site selling RuneScape gold or items, run a full virus scanon your computer, as these sites often install keyloggers on your computer which are designed to steal your RuneScape account details.
I suppose that is a site where you buy runescape gold for real money. No such site is safe; besides, since it is against the rules, it can get your account banned.
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RS gold is needed by players for playing online game runescape. However, due to high competition of the game worldwide there are different sites to buy the gold from. is considered as a legal and legit website to do your monetary transactions.
Yes. However, it is against the rules, so if you do it, you risk your RuneScape account. Also, the guys which sell you the gold may cheat you, and you have nowhere to complain.
Buying runescape gold is never safe due to the real world trading clause resulting in the invalidation of your account, though reward points are offered at rsorder.
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You can't buy gold from runescape. you've been robbed by internet criminals. sorry.
It is safe is you buy it from other players, for RuneScape coins. If you buy with real money from some website, you are breaking the RuneScape rules, and it is therefore not safe.
You cannot buy Gaia gold. There are no "safe shops". If you're found "buying gold" (which you're just going to get scammed out of cash), then you can be permabanned. You can, however, use your money to buy Gaia Cash directly from Gaia Online, and sell the items on the marketplace for gold.
Online, through the RuneScape website.