Naruto probably won't be on super smash bros this is because shonen jump and Nintendo don't work together most of the time some day when shonen jump agrees
to work with them main characters such as naruto ichigo inyusha e.t.c. will be added to the playable characters right now shonen jump is working with the online Nintendo crew and naruto and ichigo are playable characters on super smash flash 2 but that's the only game they will be in for quite some time
No, Mickey Mouse is not a playable character or assist trophy in the Super Smash Bros. universe and will not be in the foreseeable future.
No, he will not be in Brawl.
No.... Is not going to be a new super smash bros
there is no super smash bros 4
In 2012 it will be called Super Smash Bros. Showdown.
its not called super smash bros war its going to be called Super Smash Bros. Royale. and i hope it comes out fast!
theres a rumor that there will be and is called super smash bros war
No, he will never be in Super Smash Bros., as only characters that originated in video games can be in Super Smash Bros., and he did not originate in video games.
It is going to be super smash bros.4 also do you have any M.U.G.E.N. characters i can download my email is
no losers