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Q: Is shadowball a special attack or physical attack in emerald?
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Which moves are physical and which ones are special shadowball crunch hyperbeam and shadowpunch?

the only move you listed that is a physical attack is crunch. shadowball, hyperbeam, and shadow punch are all considered a special attack meaning the Pokemon using it has to tap into its special abilities to use it(i.e. only a dark or ghost Pokemon can use shadowball)shadow punch is really a physical move because it make contact with the other Pokemon

Is bullet seed physical in Pokemon emerald?

Bullet Seed is not a physical attack it is a special attack. Here is an easy way to determine what's physical and special:Each pokemon type in all the games through Generation III (like Emerald) are automatically assigned the role of being a physical trait or special trait let me explain further with the list of types and what trait is given to each:PhysicalNormalBugRockGroundGhostPoison*SteelFightingFlyingSpecialPsychicWaterFireGrass*DarkDragonIceElectric*The Steel and Dark types are not present in Generation I (Red, Blue, Yellow) they were introduced in Generation II (Gold,Silver,Crystal).So to determine what moves are physical or special check its type so in this case for Bullet Seed it is a Grass type move therefore it's a Special Attack.Remember the pokemon's Attack and Special Attack determine the overall power of Physical and Special Attacks.

Is Shinx a Special Attack or Physical attack Pokemon?

Special attack cause its a electric type.

Is thunderpunch a special attack in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes, Thunderpunch is a special attack in the game. Thunderpunch didn't become a physical attack until Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, which introduced the physical/special split.

What is the best psychic pokemon to have in emerald?

Gardevoir. It has very high special attack.

Is shadow ball a physical attack in Pokemon emerald?

Yes all ghost type moves are physical attacks.

What ev's should be given to a Blaziken in Pokemon Emerald?

attack and special attack coz its base is 120 attack and 110 sp.atk Thanks, but what about speed?

Is ghost a special attack in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

There are ghost special attacks and ghost physical attacks in diamond and pearl.For example 'Shadow Claw' is a physical attack while 'Shadow Ball' is a special.

How do you find out if your Pokemon is physical or special on soul silver?

It quite simple. It completely depends on weather its Special attack or attack is higher. If Special attack is higher it would be better for it to use special attacks like flamethrower but if attack is higher it would be better for it to use physical attacks like flame wheel.

Is double edge a special attack or just normal attack in Pokemon leafgreen?

Double Edge is a physical attack.

Is shadow ball a special or physical attack in fire red?

its a pixel attack. doesnt exist goddamnit.

In Pokemon HeartGold what is sp attack?

Sp attack is Special Attack. The greater a Pokemon's special attack the more damage will be done when using a special attack. If you go into a Pokemon's summary screen and look at the moves screen and select them with the stylus the red and yellow symbol is a physical attack and the purple wave looking one denotes a special attack.