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It is split into three different paths based on the game Ocarina of Time. In OoT, if the player dies anytime during the adventure, an offshoot timeline occurs commonly referred to as the failed timeline. Now is where it gets complicated. If Link defeats Ganon in OoT and returns to his childhood, that creates a completely separate from a similar (and ALSO official) timeline where the hero accomplishes the same task but continues his life as an adult.

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The timeline splits three ways after Ocarina of Time, depending upon what happens in the game.

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There are 2 people that an answer that question: 1) The Creator him self 2) The Angry Video Game Nerd 3)gametrailers .com Nobody really knows the answer. There are many different theories. the 2 most popular timelines are the split and linear timelines. the split timeline states that the timeline splits into two timelines after Ocarina of Time, child and adult. You should check out the different theories and decide for yourself.

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hi...! realy simple is that go to facebook search bar and write. "timeline" and click on single query .you have done. edit your timeline and enjoy.

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