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it depends on your memory stick

i have a 2gb. i dont think the psp has internal memory.

UNLESS THE PSP GO. that has internal memory

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Q: Is the memory of the slim PSP and the fat PSP the same?
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Related questions

Can you trade in a fat PSP for a slim PSP?

No but you can get money off the slim

What is better PSP slim or PSP fat?

By far the psp slim, it was the best psp of all with the lates technology without the latest updates.

What is driffence between a PSP lite a normal PSP?

PSP lite and PSP normal? You mean the Fat and Slim versions? The slim version of the PSP is a smaller version with a few additional features. As far as I know theres no "lite" version of the PSP, they can all do the same things. And the slim is messed up >.> \

Once you have a Pandora battery and memory stick for a psp slim can you use it on another regular PSP slim to install CTF?

Yes, once you have a working pandoras battery and a magic memory stick you can use it as many times you feel like it.Just remember the psp slim battery will not work in a psp phat. Also, you can't use the magic memory in your already hacked psp or psp slim with the Pandora battery because this will prompt you to re-sinstal CFW. This is also how you restore to OFW (sony officialfirmware). If you delete the magic memory stick files then you can use the memory stick as normal on your hacked psp or psp slim. I know this because I have made this mistake many times.AnswerYou CAN use a psp SLIM BATTERY that is Pandoraized in a psp phat. The thing is you'll have to hold it in while it is installing with the AC connected to it. --I have personally did this the other day, put the psp slim battery that was pandoraized into a psp phat,I had to hold it in with the ac connector as it installed the CFW. A little troublesome but it worked.Reply to Answer:I would like to see you try and fit the slim battery in the Fat PSP.

What is most liked fat PSP or slim PSP?

for us guys is fat because it's 100% tougher than slim because the components of slim is much lighter than fat i guess.

Can you use a PSP fat analog stick on a PSP slim?


What is the best PSP?

sony have 5 psp psp fat,(1000) psp slim, psp lite, psp slim and lite and psp 3000. the best is psp slim and lite . and the cost $ game stop best buy and save $ 2o dollar

Does a slim PSP faceplate fit on a fat PSP?

No. The buttons are different. They stick up higher on the slim. And the speaker holes are located in different places.

Can you put a PSP camera on any PSP model?

Yes, tried on both my PSP Fat and Slim, not sure about psp 3000 ,though.

Where is the wi fi switch on PSP?

its a wifi switch but on the psp it says ..WLAN.. , on psp slim its on top, on psp fat tis on the left side

How do you know if your psp 2000 is slim?

PSP Slim's way of opening the door is you pull the door, PSP (normal) you use a switch. PSP Slim's way of turning on the Wi-Fi switch is up ontop of PSP, Normal PSP's is on the side. PSP Slim's speakers are next to buttons and Analog stick, normal PSP's are on the bottom

How much do does a PSP cost?

here in Philippines the price is: psp slim - 10,500 and above psp fat - 8,500 and above psp go - 15,000 pesos