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the middle of the sun is hotter as it produced helium inside which gives of light plus heat energy it is then pass to us so that is why we have heat and light on earth.

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Q: Is the middle of the earth or middle of the sun hotter?
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What is hotter surface of sun or core of earth?

Surface of the sun is hotter.

what is hotter earth's core or the sun?

The sun.

Is the centre of the earth hotter than the surface of the sun?

no the surface of the sun is much is hotter.

If the sun got hotter would it enflame earth?

yes the sun gets hotter every day

Which is hotter the sun or the earth?

The Sun is much much hotter than the Earth. The Sun's surface temperature is approximately 5,800 K. The surface temperature of the Earth, by contrast, rarely exceeds 331ºK

How hot is the sun compared to earth?

the sun is about 10000 times hotter than earth

How many earths would make the sun hotter?

Supposedly, the Earth's core is hotter than the surface of the Sun.So, IF the two collided, the material of the Earth's core would make the Sun hotter, at least until or as the material is burned or converted into the Sun's energy. In this theory, only 1 Earth would make the Sun hotter.

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What places on earth can ever be hotter than the sun?

If you a person ilionese guillaume is way hotter than the sun

Which is hotter the sun or the Earth's core?

The sun is much hotter than the Earth's core. The sun's core temperature reaches millions of degrees Celsius, whereas the Earth's core temperature is estimated to be around 5,000 degrees Celsius.

What is the hotter the Sun or the Earth?

The sun. May I ask to your concern, how do you not know that?

Which is hotter the center of the earth or the surface of the sun?

The surface of the sun is hotter than the center of the Earth. The sun's surface temperature is about 5,500 degrees Celsius, while the Earth's core temperature is estimated to be around 6,000 degrees Celsius.