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Here is the bonus codes for aliens temple (really cool) checkmate (funny) theylive (they say its the aliens ops but its not oh and its hard if you dont tipe in newbie)

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Q: Is there a fourth alien bonus level for mars mission crystalien conflict?
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What is the black thing on alien level 7 of mars mission crystalien conflict?

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What is the crystalien conflict alien special ops code?


How to enter codes when playing mars mission crystalien conflict?

you type in code in box on menu, although you won't see english... you'll see alien!

What code unlocks the alien special ops on mars mission crystalien conflict other than theylive and?

there is no code to unlock the clickable button. you have to manually enter it every time

What code unlocks the alien special ops on mars mission crystalien conflict?

i dont know but i know the code that acceses a bonus level the same to the alien ops. the code is theylive all one word that only gets you one level

Is theylive the code to the alien ops on crystalien conflict?

yes, it is. whoever started the rumor that it begins with u and ends with w is making it up.

Need to know what the real code is for alien special ops on crystalien conflict Lego mars mission heard that it starts with a you and ends in w?

theylive is the code, but when you get to the menu, the alien special ops won't be clickable. P. S. try looking at the bottom of the game page at one of the pair of eyes! The code will pop up.

Lego crystalien conflict alien hive ops code?

No one knows, but is begins with a "U," and ends with a "W." The code "theylive" accesses a bonus level similar to the ops.

How do you unlock Alien Special Ops on Crystalien Conflict?

you have to complete 9 levels on thealian story. My MLN is NugetManTT My youtube is NugetManTTT My clubpenguin is T2123 I accept all friend offers.

What other clue of code unlocks the alien special ops on mars mission crystalien conflict?

You know that there might be is a cheat for the alien ops. There is, since you can't find the alien ops on the menu, there is a cheat for the alien ops. The cheat is Theylive.If you wanted to know astro ops cheats,here they are, they are Drill,- [First Astro Op] Cavein- [second astro Op] and Jacks [third Astro Op.]

Where can you download Lego mars mission crystal alien conflict?

In Firefox, you can click tight on a site including the game. Than you choose page information.go to tab media and download the embedded flash file. You can play it in a standalone Flash Player. This is a site for downloading:

Crystal alien conflict?

The correct spelling for the game is CrystAlein Conflict. The game was made for the Lego site and is played online. It is a Mars Mission strategy game where players get to choose to command the astronaut or alien forces.