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Q: Is there a ship helper on Golden harbor in poptropica?
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How do you repair your ship on skullduggery island on poptropica?

You repair your ship by pulling into any harbor. You can upgrade your ship at the ship builder's at Dragon Cove.

Can you complete Skullduggery Island poptropica with debt?

Collect the total amount of your loan (plus interest) and return to Golden Harbor to repay your loan. If you do not repay within 20 days (game time), you cannot buy another ship until you do. The exact amount of your loan is shown on your status monitor (icon at lower left).

What do you do after you return the items on early Poptropica?

Once you return the three items, the island is complete. The signal flag will be raised, and a ship will dock at the Early Poptropica harbor. The captain will give you the Island Medallion.

How do you do you upgrade your ship on skull duggery island poptropica?

When you have enough doubloons (from salvage or trade) you can buy a better ship at the Shipbuilder on Dragon Cove. You can also borrow money from the bank at Golden harbor, but you have to pay it back before its overdue, or you can't get another new ship.

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How do you get a ship in Poptropica?

You go to Dragon cove, and buy your ship from the ship guy.

What ship do you have to signal on poptropica?

The ship you signal is the ship that gives you the island medallion.

Where is the alien ship on poptropica?

the alien ship is at the knight place

Where is the golden ship on the Legend of Zelda wind waker?

I don't think there is a golden ship. But there is a ghost ship.

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How do you lead captain crawfish to golden harbor?

well, you're not really supposed to lead him. i guess you could but you need a fast ship ,such as the Phoenix Warbird, and you need the navigator.

What was the name of the ship harbor the Boston Tea Party?

Boston harbor