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You can only put in cheats to unlock it

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Q: Is there another way to unlock Mii outfit B in Mario kart?
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How Do you Unlock Mii Outfit C on Mario Kart Wii?

there is no mii outfit c.

How do you unlock mii on Mario Kart wii?

To Unlock Mii in Mario Kart you have to come 1st in the 100cc Special Cup. Or to Unlock the Other Outfit for the Mii you can unlock all 32 Expert Staff Ghosts.

How do you unlock mii outfit A in Mario kart wii?

Beat the 100cc Special Cup.

How do you unlock mii outfit b on Mario kart?

Get all expert staff ghosts and Mii Outfit B will be unlocked.

Who are the people you can unlock in Mario Kart?

My assumption is you are referring to Mario Kart Wii the unlockable characters are listed below.Baby DaisyBaby LuigiBowser JrBirdoDaisyDiddy KongDry BowserFunky KongMii Outfit AMii Outfit BRosalinaToadette

How do you unlock miis on Mario Kart wii?

To get the racer outfit, win gold at the 100cc Special cup. For hero outfit (princess outfit if female) unlock all expert ghosts... whatever that means...

How do you unlock the outfit B on Mario Kart?

Assuming you are talking about Mario Kart for the Wii, to unlock the outfit B for your mii you need to unlock, not beat, all of the expert staff ghosts. This is done by beating all of the previous staff ghost data's for any course by seven seconds. Assuming you are talking about Mario Kart for the Wii, to unlock the outfit B for your mii you need to unlock, not beat, all of the expert staff ghosts. This is done by beating all of the previous staff ghost data's for any course by seven seconds. Assuming you are talking about Mario Kart for the Wii, to unlock the outfit B for your mii you need to unlock, not beat, all of the expert staff ghosts. This is done by beating all of the previous staff ghost data's for any course by seven seconds.

How do you play with your mii on Mario Kart wii?

To unlock the Miis: Mii Outfit A: Complete the 100cc Special Cup Mii Outfit B: Unlock all 32 Expert Staff Ghosts.

How do you get miis on Mario Kart?

Mii Outfit A: Win Special 100cc Cup Mii Outfit B: Unlock All 32 Expert Ghost Data

How do you unlock the gomba for Mario Kart Wii?

there is no goomba to unlock in Mario kart wii

In Mario Kart how do you be your mii?

you need to unlock mii outfit a. and b although miioutfit b is just you mii in overalls

How do you unlock dasiy on Mario kart?

If you need to unlock her in Mario kart wii here is the answer: Win the 150cc Special Cup. If you need to unlock her in Mario Kart 7 here is the answer: Win the 150cc Mushroom Cup. Source: I beat Mario Kart Wii, and I unlock Daisy in Mario Kart 7.