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Q: Is there any games like spiral knights?
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Did knights play any games?

yes they did

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How did knights ride horses?

knights rode horses like any other person would ride a horse

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are there any games like frankstown rocks

Where could one purchase spiral stair kits?

It is best to research if there is any store near you that are specialized on things like stairs. It is easy to search on the internet about spiral stair kits and who makes them.

Are there any other galaxies in the universe shaped like the milky way?

We believe that the Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy. Follow the link to see Hubble photos of other barred spiral galaxies.

How do you get free clothes on Astro Knights Island?

There are no bonus costumes on Astro Knights Island, except the ones on the various temporary ad-games. Any items copied with the Costumizer are not permanently saved in your wearable items.

Are there any modern day knights?

Sure, people who have the title "sir" like Elton John I guess.

If a knights broke the code of chivalry what will happen?

they would not be knights any more

How many barred spiral galaxies there?

It's not known to any degree of accuracy, but about 66% of all spiral galaxies are barred and about 60% of galaxies in the local Universe are spiral galaxies.

Can you beat Astro Knights Island on Poptropica for me?

You cannot ask for personal assistance with games on WikiAnswers. You may post questions about any aspect of the Poptropica games, but this is not a help board or message board.

Does the spiral galaxy have any planets?

Yes - We are on one