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No. There are grenade launchers which can be fitted to the AK series rifles, but no rocket launchers.

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Q: Is there such thing as a ak47 with a rocket launcher attachment?
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What gun is on the cover of COD4?

a ak47 with gernade launcher

What attachment should i use on the ak47 in modern warfare 2?

By my opinion... -If you like to be cheap, put on a grenade launcher. -If you want to be more tactical, put on a red dot sight. -If you want to be a ninja, put on a silencer.

How do you make an ak47 quieter?

buy adding a silencer attachment

Is a Mk-47 a real gun?

The AK47 is real. There is also a Mk. 47 automatic grenade launcher.

Is there such thing as a Lego ak47?


What kind of weapons are being used by US in Iraq?

ak47 m16 m15 m14 mp5 mr40 rocket launchers

How do you use SDK gun mod. I already installed it I just want a list of all the things on the mod and how to activate them or what they do or what ammo they use. Sorry if I'm asking for a lot?

It depends what download you got, but I'll list everything.Guns:AK47MP5Sniper rifleShotgunFlamethrowerDesert eagleRocket launcherLaser-guided rocket launcher,SG552Gatling gunAmmo:Light (AK47, MP5, Minigun, M4)Medium (Desert Eagle, SG552)Heavy (Sniper rifle)Rocket (Rocket launcher)Shotgun (Shotgun)Laser-guided rocket (Laser-guided rocket launcher)Oil (Flamethrower)GrenadesExplosiveStun (flashbang)SmokeSticky (explosive)The ATVIt's basically a car that can travel anywhereFlammable oilPlace it on the ground, then light it with flint & steelJet pack (uses oil)Lighter blockPower it with redstone, and the top sets on fireNuke (5x the power of TNT)Automated sentriesKill hostile mobsCannon blockRight click it while holding TNT, power it with redstone to fire itNightvision gogglesScuba tankParachuteLightometerGrinder blockPlaquesGold coinsGrappling hookUsage (default controls)Nightvision goggles- put them in the helmet slot and press NParachute- put it in the chest armor slot. When you're falling, press PSniper rifle/SG552- press Z to use the scopeLaser-guided rocket launcher- once you fire a rocket, you can move the cursor to aim the rocket when it's flyingSmoke grenade- Warning! They can create a lot of lagPlaques- place them on the side of a block. When you're holding an item, right click on the plaque to store it there. Right click again to get it back.Jet pack- press the jump button twice and hold it down to go jetpacking.Hope this helps :)

What Tips could you give for modern warfare 2?

one man army perk danger close perk commando perk ak47 wiht grenade launcher attatched te easiest way to play.

What happens at the end of candy candy?

The magical onion thing is killed by the pink AK47, watch it.

Is Grand Theft Auto IV better than RDR?

Yes becuase in gta 4 you have better weapons such as ak47,berretta,uzi,rocket launcher,sniper rifle and many more.Also gta 4 has abetter map becuase in rdr thres just feilds and deserts and in gta4 theres real places like the Empire State Building and the statue of libery.So i think gta4 is better so yea.

How do you get the ak47 on bad compony 2?

there is no ak47 in bad company 2.

Can you get the AK47 in zombies black ops?

no. BUT there is a Ak47u which is the smaller version of an ak47.