try to make sure your holding a and select at the same time select not start i have my own action replay dsi try checking the code if its wrong it wont tell you!
Luigi's hoover car
No, it doesn't
you can't unless you playing 2 player
on file select press L+R no A
If you want to play as Luigi Start the game on your Nintendo DS, DS Light or DSI. Click Mario Game and it will show you your 3 files. Go down to the file you want and instead of just clicking A hold down the left and right button while you click A. You will then go to where you left of the last time you played on that file but as Luigi not Mario. Good luck.
Yes, but not on DSi or 3DS without special cartridges which I won't link to because they're illegal in some places.
You can play that game on the Dsi. I would know because I play it on the Dsi all the time. Spmething is probably wrong with your DSi.
i would get a dsi dsi i have one and its really good
Yes, Mario Party for the DS will work on the DSi
Well, there's a Dr. Mario (Mario-themed puzzle) game for DSi. However, for a flat-out Mario platformer game, I'm not completely sure. Check, they have a lot of info. If you want a DSi Mario game, I recommend just getting New Super Mario Bros for DS and playing that.
You blow into the L and R buttons on the DS or DSi. Then, start NSMB, select a file, hold L and R, and press A.