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Puzzle No 68: Hat Etiquette (UK) or Hat Trick (US) , Location: Eastern Street

Answer = Hat is located at the left hand bottom of picture - draw a rough circle in the left hand corner of the picture.

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14y ago

Puzzle No 92: Precious Metals, Location: Hotel Lobby/Foyer.

Answer = The five squared plots needed are in the bottom right corner of the grid, of the nine squares First square from the centre is blank, next is a (1) next a (5) next row down from the centre is a (1) then Blank & Blank and bottom row first square from the centre 0 then (3) then a Blank.

Please see the related link below for a walkthrough of this puzzle.

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13y ago

Puzzle No 52: Hat Weather (UK), or Hat Weather (US) Location: Tree Lined Path.

Monday Cloudy, Tuesday Sunny, Wednesday Cloudy, Thursday Rainy,

Friday Sunny, Saturday Rainy. Sunday Cloudy.

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Q: Need answer for puzzle 089 Pandora's Box?
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A Pandoras box. Don't open it.

What was left in Pandoras box after she opened it?

In it was left hope :)

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Ancient Greece

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