No. Nothing, unless maybe something for stardoll royalty. For me (a superstar), I got absolutely nothing. :( Not cool
you cant.
get the poster in a present or get a new stardoll mine is dak2005
The Birthday Present was created in 1957.
a birthday present is a symbol of celebrating the natal day of the person having the birthday
The only way I can suggest that is to change your birthday(Age)
just get a wrong birthday present
I would love to get a birthday present.
A gift is a present, whether given at a birthday or not. A gift given at a birthday is usually called a birthday present.
There will be a present saying 'click on me', and click on it. You will get some free stuff.
On her birthday.
It is a great birthday present for my mothers birthday
to offers gifts you have to go to the suite of the person that you want to give the present to, then click in gift shop and then choose the present you want to offer!!