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Dr. Shrunk an axolotl, which is a small, central American breed of salamander. Dr. Shrunk allows your character to express emotions in the game.

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Q: On animal crossing what kind of animal is Dr Shrunk?
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On Animal Crossing Wild World what kind of animal in Dr Shrunk?

He is a frilled lizard.

What is the doctor's name on Animal Crossing?

Dr. shrunk

What does Dr Shrunk do in Animal Crossing Wild World?

He allows you to use emotions in game.

How do you get emotions on animal crossing wild world?

You get emotions from speaking to Dr. Shrunk. He comes by on one random day during the week.

How do you get the other comedian to perform in Animal Crossing City Folk?

There doesn't seem to be a way; so you're stuck with Dr. Shrunk!

Who is frillard in Animal Crossing?

Frillard is a crazy lizard who appears at Dr. Shrunk's marquee in the city, on rare occasions. Frillard can explain emotions that Dr. Shrunk can't, such as bashfulness, sleepiness and thought. If you look real carefully on the signs outside of the marquee, you can see Frillard's photo next to Dr. Shrunk's.

What does the animal button do on Animal Crossing?

On AC: New Leaf, when you get the joke book from Dr Shrunk, it creates an animal face button at the bottom of your screen. Touching it opens the joke book, which lets you display any emotions you've learned from hearing Shrunk's jokes.

What are some action replay codes that make Dr shrunk visit your town in animal crossing wild world?

I don't think there is a code for that, unfortunately. Since Dr. Shrunk is programmed into the game to come whenever he pleases, AR cannot change it. :(

Does dr shrunk on animal crossing wild world come every week?

Not every week, but every other week or so. It varies for each game.

Who is Frillard?

Frillard, from Animal Crossing City Folk, appears at the Marquee (the theater) in the City on occasion, in place of Dr. Shrunk, the crazy psychiatrist. Frillard knows emotes unknown to Shrunk the shrink. Look for the zany yellow lizard!

What are some dates Dr Shrunk visits on Animal Crossing Wild World?

He comes Mon-Fri any day at 6:00am to midday once a month

How do you get Frillard instead of Dr Shrunk on Animal Crossing City Folk?

you go to the marquee theater and you go to see the show OUTRAGE, at least that's what i did! hope that helps!