Dipsy the moshling is a pink fluffy cloud with cute eye, no teeth, green legs, green shoes and blue arms.
Flumpy looks like a huge white fluff ball with arms and legs
Roxy is a pink diamond with green eyes and nice eyelashes. She has pink arms with white gloves on. She has pink legs with white trainers with straps, with a pink dot on the end of each one.The Moshling Roxy is a Purple Rox (Money in Monstro City).
Well by description i think you mean Dipsy to get her on moshi cupcakes you add vanilla as a optional then add vanilla as the icing on a big swirl then put loads of marshmallows on and you should have Dipsy.
You put the pen, antenna and arms on the box, behind you!
You get the box and you draw on it with the pen and then you add the metal tubes for the arms and there you have the robot disguise.
Flumpy is a pink cloud. Flumpy is a white spiky cloud whose arms and legs are flumped down.
you have to collect the pen and the antenna and the rubber arms the drag the pen to the box and put the box on the add accessories then go to hubbs and sprocket and pretend ur the new robot then the rest is easy :)
Octobrachial means having eight arms (i.e. aliens or monsters have eight arms).
Duodecabrachial means having twelve arms (i.e. some aliens or monsters have twelve arms).
Decabrachial means having ten arms (i.e. some aliens or monsters have ten arms).
Hexabrachial means having six arms (i.e. some aliens or monsters have six arms).