Go to the top right corner and click on the T-shirt button. Then you click on a character and you can copy their clothes. This only works on interactive characters and not video scenes or people on Big Nate Island. If you decide to keep the costume items, you can, or you can cancel the process using the button at the bottom.
It let's you copy the npc character's clothes (but not held items) you just click on the t shirt on the top right corner and click on the npc charcter. hope this helps!
use the costumizer tool and copy it from the other spies
You can "copy" clothes from Poptropica characters by clicking the little t-shirt in the top right to open the Costumizer. You can win costumes in mini-games, and buy them with credits in the Store.
You find her, then click on the shirt button on the upper right hand corner, then click on Copy Cat. Then you click her beauty mark/ mole until you have it.
You cant get them back unless you find someone with the same shirt/pants and u click customize (the t shirt in the upper right corner of your poptropica game) and clickt he shirt. Other than that, you cant get it back ^^'
No im afraid not but you can copy clothes only. P.S- Snow Bell in potropica
You click the elevator button and hop into it
Use the "Costumizer" feature to copy (almost) anybody's costume: Click the "t-shirt" icon at upper right, then you click on the person you want to copy from. (Clothing, hairstyle, etc.) If you want to keep it, click accept. If you don't want it, click cancel. You can use the costumizer anywhere on Poptropica, except on pre-recorded scenes or on Big Nate Island.
you first go to Ned noodle head the nerd.then you click customizer and click on the nerd.then just copy off of him tada.
there is a arrow on your right that points up click that button after the elevator gets down.
you can buy the clothes at the store, (by clicking the star, but it costs money) then customize in your backpack, or you can copy clothes by clicking the green T-shirt in the corner of your screen and clicking the person you want to copy, you can choose what you would like to wear off of them by clicking it. sometimes you cannot get their clothes, most likely because they bought it from the store or won it.
how do ya copy clothes on nicktroplis?