this can be fatal because if you are not able to get urine out of you, that is not good because it is a poison to the body. so it all depends what kind of problem you have.
under a swim platform
It could be fatal.
A fatal error would highlight a problem with your program. A nonfatal error can't be detected by the program and may produce incorrect results.
Ozone disappearing is a problem as it allows UV rays to allow enter the earth. They are fatal for life on earth.
Stalin suffered a stroke, which was fatal, in 1953. He also had permanant injuries to his arms from a crash.
FataL Frostii Fatal Nova Fatal Pheoniix Fatal Shotzz Fatal Ecliipz Fatal Magiic Fatal Aquatic Fatal Staabz Fatal Assault
its fatal
TAKE YOUR TURTLE TO THE VET IMMEDIATELY Your turtle may have an internal blockage which can be fatal and he/she might need an operation.
fatal carbon monoxide poisoning.
Pickwickian syndrome is entirely reversible if it is diagnosed and treated properly. If the problem goes undiagnosed, the outcome can be fatal.
pls update ur direct x