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the code of honor is BUSHIDO

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Q: Samurai code of honor
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Related questions

What name was given to the samurai code of honor?

Bushido is the name of the code of honor of samurai. : )

What is the samurai honor code?


What is so special about a Samurai?

Their code of honor.

What were the samurai code of behavior?

bushido is the samurai code of honor that they must follow. they must be loyal to their lord

Who were the Samurai like in feudal Europe?

they were like knights. code of honor: Chivalry. code of hone for samurai: Bushido.

What are values a samurai must have?

They must follow Bushido which is the samurai code of honor.

Code that knights of japan lived their lives by?

" Bushido" which is their code of honor, it was the religion of the samurai.

What are the codes for cartoonnetwork's game code of the samurai samurai Jack?

purity justice courage honor valor compassion

Samurai code of conduct?

The samurai existed by their honor code known as the Bushido. Its literal meaning is 'The way of the warrior'.

What is the codes for Samurai Jack in Code Of The Samurai?

Justice Purity Compassion Courage Valor Honor

How was the code of conduct relate to samurai value and tradition?

It is related because samurai value honor and loyalty most of all.

How do you get Codes for code of the samuria?

The codes for Code of the Samurai are as follows: 1.justice, 2.purity, 3.compassion, 4.courage, 5.valor, and 6.honor. Code of the Samurai was released in 2005.