A gunslinger will need more mp for the skills of shooting, and less hp because you are more of a distance away. A brawler need alot more hp and mp, because he's close up to enemies and needs to constantly keep attacking. I would prefer a gunslinger.
~XSPARTIAN-windia =)
Well, you are right. I have a lvl 44 gunslinger right now, and my friend irl has a lvl 44 brawler. We're twin's on Khaini, find us. Buriail and Buriall. Anyways, I noticed something as soon as we got to lvl 11, brawlers have really good Mob attacks, and they can crit. Gunslnigers can't and do crap damage until third and fourth job. In the long run, I'd say gunslingers are better, but if you aren't going to stick with your character, choose a brawler. Crapload of mob damage. :D -Terry
Brawlers do not get critical until 3rd job.....
Depends on your style of gameplay.
If you enjoy playing a fast but weak class you should choose a gunslinger.
If you enjoy playing a slower attacking, but strong class, you should choose a brawler.
But Gunslingers are GOOD because there highest % is 1200% and Brawler'
s about 900%
Have proof go to www.Google.com then go to Hidden Strret database then U look on the left then it will say character and press pirate then U push corsair then you will see the %.Have Questions e-mail me.Hehheheh! byi780712@gmail.com
For Brawler you need str and gunslinger you need dex those make you stronger
Be more specific. You should be able to make it as easily as any other character.
just get the thick paper and put the maplestory card's sticker on it. (make it square)
If you have an account go to maplestory log in and click Create Character
um well just uninstall everything in maplestory, including mssetup and download evrything again. U should have v. like watever day u are download it but higher watever
There are different sites for maplestory depending which region you are in, there is European maplestory, US maplestory("global") and more. Check which category you're in using www.maplestory.com
In maplestory there is no saving. so your fine. unless you make a mistake then that's bad. It automatically saves for you.
If you believe these are cool, believe again Brawler,"Burst Balls" are fake Bakugan and should not be bothered with so that the idiotic people who make them stop.
You don't, or atleast not anymore.
computer system
Make a Nobeless and do the tutorial.
start from on side and go to the other. make sure its fast and accurate