The only apartment life cheat I know of is the one to make custom apartments. You build onto a lot as if you were making an apartment. Once you are done, open the cheat box (crtl,shift,c) and type:
changelotzoning apartmentbase
Type that just the way it is. Hope this is what you were looking for!
The sims 2 apartment life is NOT for PS2.
It is! There is also regular Sims 2, Sims 2 Pets, and Sims 2 Apartment Life with Pets!
yes you can in a way. You can buy the sims 2 pets and apartment life and you can put them together by mushing them and there you have it. that's how you get sims 2 pets in sims 2 apartment life.
No just google sims 2 cheats
Yes, the Sims 2 apartment life is an expansion pack for the Sims 2, meaning that the Sims 2 is needed for gameplay.
go onto google and search in sims 2 cheats and buy sims 3 much beter
Go to this link:
yes, the sims 2 apartment life is an expansion pack for the sims 2, and therefore you still have all the features of the sims 2. This means you can have kids.
The sims 2 apartment life is rated M sexual references.
Well if you are talking about if it needs the sims 1, the answer is no, but for sims 2 apartment life to work, you do need either the sims 2 (regular), sims2 holiday edition, sims2 deluxe, or sims2 double deluxe!! I hope this helped!!
All the Sims 2 cheats are the same.It doesn't matter which Sims 2 game you're playing on pc.