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I need the code to unlock my Motorola rizr for free?

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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How do you unlock a Motorola RIZR Z3?

You can unlock your Motorola Rizr Z3 mobile phone by using unlock code.You can get this code from at reasonable price.

How do you remove a micro sd card from Motorola rizr z3?

Very carefully.

Motorola Rizr LCD screen has died and you want to transfer the sim card-can you transfer it to any phone or does it have to be a Motorola brand?

the sim card from your Motorola rizr can be transfered to any phone that is a phone that your network provides. (i.e. a sprint sim card cannot work in an at&t phone)

How many mega pixels does the Motorola RIZR Z3 Camera have?

The Motorola RIZR Z3 camera has a 2-megapixel camera. It does feature an 8x zoom and a flash. You can also change exposure lighting. It is a decent camera as long as you don't need high quality images or need to enlarge the images.

What are compatible bluetooth cell phones for 2008 Mazda cx9?

We currently use Motorola Krzr and Rizr, both work seemlessly with the bluetooth.

What are some alternatives to the Ericsson F305?

The Motorola RIZR Z6 has a user-rating better than the Ericsson F305 according to Cnet, but is fairly comparable in specs. Other alternatives to the Ericsoon F305 are the Samsung E2330, Ericsson W350 or Ericsson S500.

How do you set text signature on rizr z3?

took me a lil while, but it's simple. 1) Go to Main Menu 2)Then to Messages 3)Hit the top left button(on the bottom left of the screen it should say options) 4)Go to setup 5)Message setup 6)Then on the bottom there should be "Signature:________" 7) TADA!!! all thanks to me:D yellowman XD

Which are compatible Bluetooth cell phones for 2007 Mitsubishi Outlander?

Answer 1: I have used several different phones, even some not listed on the official site, and most will work great. Answer 2: Applies to 2007 Outlander XLS: Motorola RIZR is not fully compatible. It needs to be manually connected each time, and other registered Bluetooth phones will supersede it regardless of how how it is set up. I have been very successful with several Blackberrys, Siemens (Euro crosstype) phones, Motorola RAZR, Motorola SLVR, HTC Dash/Excalibur, and New HTC G1 (T-Mobile Google Phone).