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the mouse is in the princesses room in the hole in her wall but you have to get the cheese to get him/her.

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Q: Were is the mouse in Astro Knights?
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What do you do with the mouse on Astro Knights?

release it to the owl. then the owl will follow you

How do you get the owl to follow you on astro knights?

give him the robot mouse from the cell

On Astro Knights Island if you let the mouse out early what do you do?

The mouse will get surprised, run around, then run back to you.

What do you use the moldy cheese on poptropica?

you put it in the room with the mouse in the astro knights castle and the mouse will eat it

What do you do after you have the mouse in poptropica Astro Knights?

You scare the owl outside. follow it and release the mouse. it will know follow you

How do you release the mouse on Astro Knights Island?

Click on his card in your items bag.

Where do you get the rat on Astro Knights Island?

It is a mechanical mouse. (see related question)

How do you get the mouse Astro Knights?

get the moldy cheese from the basement of the castle and lay it out in the bed room

How do you get the fish on Astro Knights?

There is no fish. You have to get the mouse from the madian's room and feed it to Merlin. You lure the mouse with the moldy cheese you get from the dungon.

Where is the mouse on Astro Knights?

go inside the place where the king and queen lives at the corner on the right

How do you use the cheese in Astro Knights?

go to the princesses maid's room and use it you will get the robot mouse

When the robot owl comes out the room how do you get it in poptropica at astro-knights?

Find the old cheese. . Give the cheese to the mouse and give the mouse to the owl.