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There are a total of twenty Bobbleheads to be found on Fallout 3, each one has a name and an allocated slot on the Bobblehead stand which is situated in the house in Megaton given to you by Lucas Simms, or in the suite in Tenpenny Tower given to you by Mr Burke, after you complete "The Power of the Atom" quest.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Strength: in Lucas' Sim's house on the desk in the bedroom. Ignore numbers.

Bobblehead - PerceptionRepublic of Dave: In the Museum of Dave, on a bookshelf to the right of the room.00038833Bobblehead - EnduranceDeathclaw Sanctuary: Inside entrance, on a small platform next to the rotting brahmin corpse.00038834Bobblehead - CharismaVault 108: Cloning Lab, on top of a table in a large room with four beds and a copy of Lying, Congressional Style. The bobblehead is across the room from Lying, Congressional Style.00038850Bobblehead - IntelligenceRivet City: Science Lab, downstairs on one of the tables in the center of the lab, next to the lockers. The Science Lab can be reached through the Midship Deck and the Upper Deck.0003885cBobblehead - AgilityGreener Pastures Disposal: In the office, on the desk next to an Average locked terminal.000388e5Bobblehead - LuckArlington Cemetery North: In the Arlington House on a hill near the center of the cemetery. It is on a shelf in the basement.

Bobblehead - BarterEvergreen Mills: Bazaar, in a dark cave-nook in the corner of the room to the right of Smiling Jack. Jump over the work bench, it's on the right-most shelves.000388f3Bobblehead - Big GunsFort Constantine: CO Quarters (little bungalow), in the basement. It is in an open safe along with some caps, and the ICBM launchcode.00038906Bobblehead - Energy Weapons *Raven Rock: On the right desk in Colonel Autumn's bedroom: after you pass the huge door from section 2B to 2C, when two Enclave soldiers come out of the right door, take the left door.0003892fBobblehead - ExplosivesWKML Broadcast Station: Sealed Cistern, the sewer (manhole cover) behind the station. The manhole cover is tucked into the rocks (see picture below).00038930Bobblehead - LockpickBethesda Ruins: Bethesda Offices East, second floor: on a desk under a safe, with an active lamp.00038931Bobblehead - Medicine *Vault 101: Dad's medical desk. It can be obtained before you take your G.O.A.T., during Escape! or Trouble on the Homefront. If taken this way, it is in the clinic where you speak to Amata. It is in the clinic's back room on a desk.00038950Bobblehead - Melee WeaponsDunwich Building: Go through the Forsaken Dunwich Ruins to get to the Virulant Underchambers. It will be in the center of a room near the exit to Dunwich Building.00038951Bobblehead - Repair *Arefu: Evan King's House (requires 50 Lockpick, no karma cost). As soon as you enter, look to your left. It is on the white table.00038952Bobblehead - ScienceVault 106: After entering the Vault, move downstairs and enter the Living Quarters. Once in the Living Quarters take a left, cross the small bridge in the atrium, then take a right and enter the second door on your left. Follow this hall all the way to the end, kill the insane Survivor and cross the room to where the Bobblehead is located.00038953Bobblehead - Small GunsNational Guard Depot: National Guard Armory, sitting on a shelf in the sealed storage room in the basement. The switch for the utility door to access the armory is found on the 3rd floor that can only be reached by going through the Depot Training Wing and Depot Offices.00038954Bobblehead - SneakYao guai tunnels: Yao guai den, on top of a metal box north east of the big pool of water.00038955Bobblehead - SpeechParadise Falls: Eulogy's Pad, on the table right next to the terminal.00038956Bobblehead - UnarmedRockopolis: Due west of Smith Casey's Garage and due north of Girdershade. The entrance (a large boulder) is below a party banner that is lit up at night. The bobblehead is next to Argyle's body.

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15y ago

one is at the begging before you take the goat go to the desk and medical is there.then one is behind a house in meggaton
for more go down link

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14y ago

Google Fallout 3 wiki, type bobble heads on the search bar in the sight and they'll have the whole list with the locations. cross reference with where they have an indepth walkthrough on how to get each bobblehead.

Or you could just look at this-


Strength - Megaton - Lucas Simms House

Perception - Republic of Dave - Museum of Dave

Endurance - Deathclaw Sanctuary - Deathclaw Sanctuary Entrance

Charisma - Vault 108 - Cloning Lab

Intelligence - Rivet city - Science Lab

Agility - Greener Pastures Disposal - Office

Luck - Arlington Cemetery North - Arlington House


Barter - Evergreen Mills - Market Bazaar

Big Guns - Fort Constantine - CO Quarters

Energy Weapons - Ravenhold

Explosives - WKML Broadcast Station - Sealed Cistern

Lockpick - Bethesda - Bethesda Offices East

Medicine - Vault 101 - Dad's Desk

Melee Weapons - Dunwich Building - Virulent Underchambers

Repair - Aerefu - Evan Kings House

Science - Vault 106 - Living Quarters

Small Guns - National Guard Depot - National Guard Armory

Sneak - Yao Guai Tunnels - Yao Guai Den

Speech - Paradise Falls - Euology's pad

Unarmed- Rockopolis Head directly west from Casey Smith's Garage, look for tattered banners strung up.

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15y ago

It depends what you want to download. If you download the Broken Steel DLC, you can get a perk which puts all special stats to nine, you can then get the bobbleheads and have all special stats as 10. If you dont want broken steel then get them as sooin as possible.

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13y ago

You can pretty much find them anywhere. :)

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13y ago

No, there are only Snowglobes. And you can find them anywhere in the Mojave Wasteland. :)

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What is the name of each of the twenty Bobbleheads on Fallout 3?

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