there are a lot on the way to hade's chamber, (valley of the dead) at olympus Coliseum
there are alot of hearts dude. there is no third. check bomb island if you want one.
It takes less than a minute.
It went off within a minute.
It went off within the minute.
The bouncing bomb developed during World War II had to spin at about 500 revolutions per minute (rpm) for optimal performance. This spinning motion helped the bomb to skip across the water and hit its target accurately.
Various countries are known to possess hydrogen bombs, including the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom. North Korea has also claimed to have successfully tested a hydrogen bomb.
He Bombed London in 1940,to strike fear into the hearts of the British but the British fought back.
"The atom bomb was no "great decision." It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness" that quote was said by Harry S. Truman, the president at the time the bomb was dropped
The idea of a nuclear bomb silo and launch mechanism dates back to the 1950's when the United Kingdom built one for their blue streak missiles. This was not a one person design or job, it took hundreds of people to build the first bomb silo.
Only for some countries: United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France, India, Pakistan, Israel.
The United States, with the consent of the United Kingdom, dropped a uranium-based atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, on 6 August 1945. On 9 August 1945 a plutonium-based atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan.