Yes, the game is very good. You should get a 3DS just for this one game, And then buy other games for it too. :D
Yes, you should. The graphics are amazing and the games suitable for anyone! i suggest to buy her the pink one that comes with the game nintendogs+cats or the red one with the game Super mario land 3D! and if she likes the legend of zelda you should buy her the new special edition Zelda 3DS (it costs more than the others but its worth it if she likes the legend of zelda), i hope that helps you! and if you buy a 3DS that doesn't come with any game you should buy her game too because 3DS without a game will make her bored in a week or so! Marry Christmas!
At Game Stop.
Second generation 3DS will take quite a while. you should buy the 3DS now as its brilliant. you can extend the battery life by buying a power pak +.
On the 3ds shop, you are able to buy and download older games. That work for the buttons on the 3ds of course.
You should be able to buy it at most stores that sell 3DS Games such as Gamestop, EB Games, Walmart, Best Buy and Future Shop.
If you buy Mario Kart 7, retail or eShop download, it will be the full version and can be played on the 3DS, 3DS XL, and 2DS
The 3DS game ID is located on the front of the 3DS gamecard.
While the Nintendo 3DS is region locked, if you purchase Pokemon X and Y from the Nintendo eShop or buy the game from your local store (or any PAL region store), the game will work on a European 3DS. It will only not work if you buy an American or Japanese version.
From what I know, no. The 3DS games have a something on the game card that doesn't let you put it in on other DS systems. To play Animal Crossing 3DS, you would need to buy a 3DS.
Yes no metter what 3DS is a 3DS