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if you show him the Pokemon he will give you a certain stone in this order

lickitung everstone (big tongue)

growlithe fire stone (Loyal wiyth big roar)

staryu water stone (red circle in centre of its body,star)

oddish leafstone (leaf on its head)

pichu thunderstone (cant remember) but yea you need a pichu

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Lickitung or its evolved form LickyLicky
Im not sure if it is any different, but on my brothers game, who has Heart Gold ( I have Soul Silver) and he needed an Oddish.


Just did this on my own Heart Gold game:

firstly he wants to see an Oddish - then he'll give you a leaf stone

next for me was Growlithe - after which I got a fire stone (yay I can finally evolve him!)

then Jigglypuff - everstone

then Pichu - thunderstone

then Marill - water stone

That's all of 'em, hope that helped, good luck catchin 'em all! :) ><>

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βˆ™ 14y ago

He wants you to bring him a Lickitung

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βˆ™ 15y ago


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Q: What Pokemon does bill's grandfather want to see in Pokemon gold?
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What Pokemon does bills grandfather want to see?

In HGSS its lickitung, oddish, staryu, vulpix, then pichu in that order. :D

What does bills dad want to see in Pokemon gold?

he first wants to see lickitung,then he will give you a everstone,then he wants to see a skiploom.

In Pokemon HeartGold what Pokemon does bills grandfather want to see?

he wants to see a lickitung. i don't know where to get them.... sorry.... hope i helped anyways! all the Pokemon he wants to see are. lickitung. oddish. vulpix/growlithe. i don't no the last one but i think its staryu or vaporeon

What Pokemon does bills granpa want to see?


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you can get any Pokemon that you want.

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To delete a Pokemon you don't want in Pokemon gold you have to go to a PC, go to Bill's PC click on withdraw or deposit, click on the Pokemon you don't want and click on release. It's that easy!

What Pokemon is blue and has leafs on top of his head in HeartGold?

If you are refering to the pokemon that Bill's grandfather wishes he could see, then you want an Oddish.

Where is Bills' house in Pokemon emerald?

Bill is not in Pokemon Sapphire. He is only in Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Fire Red, and Leaf Green.

What Pokemon does the old man want to see to get a thunderstone in Pokemon gold?

A pichu.

How do you get double edge in Pokemon Gold?

Why do you want it, its terrible.

Where do you get the water stone on Pokemon Gold?

You must defeat the elite 4, then go to mistys city, then north. Talk to Bills grandpa, and he want to see Pokemon. I think it is theese Pokemon he wants to see. Lickitung, Staryu, eevee, Pichu&gt;&gt;Set pikachu at the day-care with a ditto, in the egg it's a Pichu&lt;&lt; he want's to see a vulpix too. That is for silver, in gold can't you catch a Vulpix, so i think it's a growlithe instead.