It is rated R.
Black Swan is for people age 14 and up.
i am pretty sure that it is ma15+ In the United States, "Black Swan" (2010) is rated 'R' for strong sexual content, disturbing violent images, language and drug use.
The Black Swan is a very popular logo. Quite a number of companies around the world, use it. Among the better known ones are: Black Swan Records Black Swan State Theatre Company Black Swan Solar Black Swan Brand Cheasapeak Bay Oyster Black Swan Cooperage Black Swan Real Estate Black Swan Press Black Swan Dynamics Black Swan Development Black Swan Anatomy Black Swan Winery Black Swan Financial Black Swan Inn
Men in black 3 is rated PG
The age is 17+ 16+ for UK
It's rated R.
swan river w.a.answerThe black swan lives in Australia.
Australia's native swan is black. It is called the black swan.
The Black Swan - 1942 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG Finland:K-16 Sweden:15 UK:PG UK:A (original rating) (passed with cuts) USA:Approved (PCA #8421) West Germany:12 (nf)
A black swan is a swan who is evil and seducing. It is the opposite of the white swan, who is perfect, precise and good.