its nearly impossible to live on Neptune since it's a gas giant but if you could you would probably need to fly and withstand very cold weather plus breathe with no oxygen
No, no one can live on Neptune
An alien living on Neptune would need adaptations to withstand extreme cold temperatures, high atmospheric pressure, and toxic levels of methane and hydrogen. It would also need adaptations to survive in the absence of sunlight and the strong winds on the planet.
What adaptations do deer have to live in the grasslands
Spacesheep is needed to reach Neptune safely.
It would not be possible to modify Neptune for us to live on. It's a gas planet, so has no surface like that of the earth. It's also too far from the sun to support life, way too cold and dark.
Neptune (or Poseidon) was God of the Sea.
2/3 of a Neptune year. That is if you live to be 109 earth years old.
the only way for aliens to live on Neptune is they have to be able to survive on a planet like neptune. it wouldn't be a very good choice unless the could live on a freezing and mostly gas planet.
No;they will die.
they live in trees
making stuff that needed to survive where they were
all animals have to have adaptations in order to live. if an animal is living then it will always have adaptations