The yellow bolero occasionally appears in the Able Sisters' shop. Be patient and check everyday to see if it's there.
You can tell sometimes because Redd will have a yellow star in his eye.
Some names for different types of balloons include latex balloons, foil balloons, mylar balloons, helium balloons, air-filled balloons, and printed balloons.
Yes. There are about 7 feathers you can get from donating to Boondox (Green, Blue, Yellow, Red, Purple, White, and Rainbow).
You can't. There is Pink, Blue, Yellow, Orange, White, Light Brown, Dark Brown, and Green.
Click the yellow shop button then the ballon tab & switch balloons! You can buy balloons w coins you earn from collecting 200pts or buy them!
GO to the bulletin board located at town hall. (where the yellow bird is sometimes) click on that. Click new.
Depends on how you are using it. It is either a noun or verb.
Pedestrian crossing or school zone
crossing over the line white or yellow
railroad crossing
I think you put them in rows like this: W R Y W R Y W R Y W for white. R for red. Y for yellow.