Level 30, 42, 45, 115..etc. Atlevel 30, you have targets from lvl 5-55, and you can use lusika, unglag, aughisky for a attack-defense-damage set. For level 42, you can use odhars, sir gwans, cobweb-pumpkin, plague boots, fire dragon plate, and Reborn guardian ammy. For level 45, you can use deathspinner, odhars, quango headdress. For 115, you can use shildora, Kala. I'm not sure about the rest, but I GvG for Secret Alliance. Findme! --yunoguy
Fallensword, Runescape
You could watch a review in youtube.com or other places you can watch videos
Krul beach east
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to that i am not sure, but im selling some, just pm athena312
Sherwood RPG adventure quest dragon fable mechquest fallensword
Levels came out before good feeling. Flo rosa sampled the song levels, making levels the first to be released
Levels is a song produced by Avicii, Good Feeling is a remake of Levels with additional lyrics by Flo Rida