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Q: What are some games made by sledgehammer?
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Related questions

When was Sledgehammer Games created?

Sledgehammer Games was created in 2009.

How many people do sledgehammer games?

sledgehammer games have 150 employees

Who made call of duty modern warfare 3?

Activision, Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer games

Who will be the creators of MW3?

Modern Warfare 3 is being made by Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer games. Activision will be producing the game as usual.

Pokemon game were do you get a sledgehammer?

Sledgehammer? In no Pokemon game you can get a sledgehammer.

How was Call of Duty mw3 made?

Three development companies worked together to create the game. Infinity Ward was helped by Sledgehammer Games and Raven Software

What company made the first Call Of Duty?

The companies who created CoD were infinity ward, SLEDGEHAMMER GAMES, and AcTiVision. That is pretty much exactly how they are shown in their logos.

How would you use sledgehammer in a sentence?

there was some people outside my house last night and they ruined my fence by hitting it with a sledgehammer

Who created call of duty modern warfare 3?

Infinity Ward and SledgeHammer Games

What is the newst cod game out?

The newest CoD who is out is CoD 7 Black Ops. CoD 8 (Modern Warfare 3 or Space Warfare, made by Sledgehammer Games is comming out in November.

Can you use sledgehammer?

I am quite adept with a sledgehammer. A sledgehammer weighs more than your average hammer. Would you please pass me that sledgehammer? I have a smashing idea! A sledgehammer is the best hand tool for making little rocks from big rocks.

When was Sledgehammer - ride - created?

Sledgehammer - ride - was created in 2003.