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Q: What are some spooky school names?
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What are good names for a magical school?

Schools - even magical ones - are named for several things: famous people (Merlin High School), local landmarks (Mountainview Elementary School) or town names (Spooky Valley Middle School). If you're going to write stories, you need to learn how to come up with your own names instead of copying what someone else comes up with!

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spooky,barse,and crooze,and sometimes adriana

What are some spooky stories that are true?

Try to find some research on the Mad Butcher from Southern West Virginia. SPOOKY COCK

Is there going to be a Horrid Henry movie?

well it was a little spooky and the school closing down

What are some spooky words?

eeire, ghostly, emerged

What are some posh made up school names?

Lord Bagel, School For Girls xx

What are the names of the spooky buddies?

Mud Bud, Rose Bud, B Dog, B da, Budder Ball

What are the names of some of Orange County's public schools?

Names of public schools in Orange County are Anaheim Union High School, Katella High School, Pacifica High School, Irvine High School and Woodbridge High School,

Where can I find some spooky but not too scary Halloween decorations?

Spooky halloween decorations would include things such as ghosts and ghouls. Try party city or your local party store to find spooky halloween decorations.

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please some one help that child

What are the names of some schools in the Brookfield Ohio area?

Some names of schools in the Brookfield , Ohio area are Brookfield high school which is located at 614 Bedford Road S.E , Brookfield , Ohio . Also there is a Brookfield Middle school and Brookfield Elementary school .

What is monster highe?

Monster High is a show about freaky fabulous ghouls who have fun in there school called monster high.And they go on spooky lusions adventures