what r some zwinky accounts with zcards and can u tell me before 5:00 tomorrow plz plz [please]
Zwinky is absolutely free, unless you buy Zcards, which you use for buying the stuff that's more expensive. You can get Zcards by doing offers, some of which also cost money.
you must earn Zcards first
no its freee but the zcards and stuff you have to pay((':
u need 2 go 2 a store like Vons and the have Zwinky ZCards.
No? Here, you could go to IMVU, Woozworld, Meez clubpenguin and more. If your even looking for Zwinky zcards, you could go to this website and get the zcards http://www.wix.com/cameykanflyy/the-free-cheat#! enjoy :)
I get my zcards from Target. Not sure where else. ;] You can also earn a free one on MetaRL.com. ;P My zwinky: Simified. O_O for the hell of ett. c:
Yeah. Hacking!!!I get zcards by hacking can't tell you how though
no there is not you must sign up for free offers and then get your zcard or get a gift card
There is no way you can get it free. I have tried a cheat but it didn't work. You have to buy them with your real money.
no u cant gift cards are to put on your zcards
Zcards are used for modyfying and customizing your social Avatars on Zwinky official Wesbite. There are many different types of websites which give away free Zcards to the users. You can also follow up with peers on facebook to look for better deals.
You either get one with your credit card or you can buy Zwinky gift cards at Target, Toys R Us, od Stapels