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the 49 plants are (from world 1-5)


____________________________________________________ World 1

- peashooter


-cherry bomb


- potato mine or the squash


-snow pea

- repeater

_______________________________________________________World 2



-fume shroom



- scaredy shrooms

-ice shrooms

-doom shrooms

_______________________________________________________World 3

-Lily pad

- squash or potato mine


- tangle kelp


- spikeweed



_______________________________________________________World 4





-split pea


- (idk he name but it looks like a pumpkin)


______________________________________________________World 5

- cabbage pult

-flower pot

-kernel pult

-coffee bean


-umbrella leaf


-melon pult

______________________________________Crazy Dave's Plants(upgraded)

- gatling pea (from the repeater)

- twin sunflowers (from sunflowers)

-gloom shrooms (from fume shrooms)

-cattails(from lily pads)

- winter melon (from melon pults)

- gold magnet (from magnet shrooms)

- spikerock (from spikeweeds)

-cob cannon (from !TWO! kernel pults together in a straight line)

-imitater (can imitate another plant)

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