the 49 plants are (from world 1-5)
____________________________________________________ World 1
- peashooter
-cherry bomb
- potato mine or the squash
-snow pea
- repeater
_______________________________________________________World 2
-fume shroom
- scaredy shrooms
-ice shrooms
-doom shrooms
_______________________________________________________World 3
-Lily pad
- squash or potato mine
- tangle kelp
- spikeweed
_______________________________________________________World 4
-split pea
- (idk he name but it looks like a pumpkin)
______________________________________________________World 5
- cabbage pult
-flower pot
-kernel pult
-coffee bean
-umbrella leaf
-melon pult
______________________________________Crazy Dave's Plants(upgraded)
- gatling pea (from the repeater)
- twin sunflowers (from sunflowers)
-gloom shrooms (from fume shrooms)
-cattails(from lily pads)
- winter melon (from melon pults)
- gold magnet (from magnet shrooms)
- spikerock (from spikeweeds)
-cob cannon (from !TWO! kernel pults together in a straight line)
-imitater (can imitate another plant)
The easiest way to get money on PvZ (Plants vs Zombies) is to do what is called \"gold farming.\"
you need some powerful plants
mine haven't :)
When you find a suitable plant when you play a Pvz level
There is no PVZ 2 yet, but it is speculated to be coming soon.
Yes, there will be Plants vs Zombies 2. Popcap always makes sequels to their favorite/best-selling games. It will probably be their next game release.
there is it came out with new plants and zombies and now you can unlock the world far future
Mini Robot Wars is the closest thing to PvZ.
In my humble oppinion, PvZ, but otherwise, none.
Plants vs Zombies created their own fonts in the game. Their font was commonly called as PvZ font or Plants vs Zombies font. There are no other names for that.
Yes. Cheat engine 6.6, 5.5, and 5.6.