theres ton first press down shift+ctrl+c then u can type in....
motherlode ( this gives u 50000 i think ) kaching ( gives u 1000 ) boolProp testingcheatsenabled true ( TONs of stuff you can do ) aging off ( stops aging ) aging on ( continues aging moveobjects on ( you can move ANYTHING in buy mode. including sims ) moveobjects off ( to get back to the normal buy mode ) PlumbBobtoggle off ( get rid of the Plumb Bob [ the green diamond ] )
all i can think of now (:
forcetwins(makes your sim have twins).....
Type your answer here...well first you need to press control shift c then at the top of the screen a bar will appear type in that bar testingcheatsenabled on [only put a space after enabled] and type in motherlode to get 50,000 and type testingcheatsenabled on [same space] to alter needs, moods and I think it has one other affects I don't know
its in the box. its over the GET EA CHEAT CODES AND GAME HINTS.
motherlode gives u 50,0000 money well thats it !
you need a cheat code
It must be on box of Sims Pet Stories. However, if the installation codes doesn't work, that's mean you bought an illegal game.
i have sims pet stories and my sims had 7
maxmotives is the cheat that instantly puts your Sims in good moods and turns all mood bars green.
The Sims Life Stories happened in 2007.
No, why would there be Cheat-Codes on Pet pet park? There's only Cheat-Codes on Animal Jam. The only codes on P.P.P. is N.C. codes. No cheat codes. Only N.C. codes. That's the only codes on P.P.P.
The Sims Pet Stories was created on 2007-06-19.
I'm sorry, you can't do cheats on sims 2 Pet/Castaway/Life stories. The cheat on regular sims 2 is 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' just go into the neibhorhood type that in on the bar that comes when you press crtl+shift+c then go into any home.
No it only works on Sims 2. Sims Pet Stories is a different game.