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Q: What are the difference between American masks and African masks?
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What is the difference between African and native American masks?

African masks are often used in cultural ceremonies and rituals to represent spirits or ancestors, while Native American masks are used for storytelling, healing, and ceremonial purposes. African masks tend to be more stylized and abstract, representing supernatural beings, while Native American masks often depict animals or ancestral spirits in a more naturalistic way. Additionally, African masks are typically made from wood, while Native American masks can be made from various materials such as wood, leather, or cloth.

What were African masks used for?

could you tell me what was African masks used for.

What are South American masks?

Masks that are south american. ...

How were African masks discovered?

African tribal masks were found by early 1800's pioneers and archaeologists. They often collected the masks of sold them for profit.

Why are African tribal masks important?

They are important because they are a scorce of communications between life and death.

Where are African masks from?

they are from Africa

What are African tribal masks made from?

the African headdress

Where do africans masks come from?

African masks come from Africa.

What time period were the African masks worn?

Most African masks were worn and made in the early 250-400 a.d. in Africa.

Where do partial face masks come from?

masks are from all over the world. You can get african, masquerade, egyptian, masks and many more .

Are African Masks still in use?

African masks can be found in stores that specialize in African products, specifically African art stores. Alternatively, you can find African masks by going to a maskstore or find them on the internet.

What were African art masks tied to?
