red apples, golden apples, carrots, and Pears. you can feed your foal each one just by visiting them often, but you cannot choose what they eat; the snacks are randomly chosen for which day you visit your foal. the carrots are more rare then the other ones so you probably won't see them as often in their stall.
You either get it from someone after completing a quest or you have to feed hay to a bovo and then you'll get milk. (plain milk)
According to Wikipedia and the BellaSara website, "sometime in the fall" is the closest it gets. However, on BellaSara's Twitter feed (, it says "One week away from Bella Sara Adventures!" dated the 19th of August.
Bella Sara cards are cards with magical horse on them. You can enter your codes on The codes are at the bottom of the card on the side with the horse on it. You have to create an account before you can enter your codes. Each time you enter a code you get horseshoes. Horseshoes are the money on Bella Sara. You can use horseshoes to buy cool stuff for your cottage. If you click on the magical horse icon you can see your horses and enter their stable. In their stable you can brush, feed, water, and clean their stall. In the world of Bella Sara you can also play games to earn horseshoes and play Bella Sara adventures.
you have to feed it lots of snacks
To make your Bella Sara horse happy, you can: Feed them regularly with their favorite treats. Keep their stable clean and comfortable. Spend quality time grooming and bonding with them. Make sure they get enough exercise and playtime.
No salty snacks. Or lettuce.
If you have friends who don't clean their tanks and feed their fish you can give their fish the snacks so that you can get the prizes from their chests.
There is one that i know of.And it is called Bella sara.Bella sara is a site where you can adopt a horse.Name it.Then once you do so you can brush it feed it and all this other fun and cool stuff.I highly recommend it for kids.
you have to train it in the pet pavailon and feed it pet snacks
You can't, unless you can figure out a glitch to do it.
if u have a brush icon up u brush it and change its hay food icon you feed it grain fruit or bottle and water it the heart means you need to pet it by clicking on your horse or its tired and needs to go to bed.