In the UK, all Video Games since 2012 have been rated according to the PEGI system. Games are ranked into five age categories: 3, 7, 12, 15 and 18. The 3 and 7 ratings are advisory; the 12, 15 and 18 ratings are mandatory, i.e. it is illegal to sell games of these ratings to someone below the relevant age.
The video game Conker's Bad Fur Day was given a rating of "Mature" for violence, sexual themes, and more. The game can be purchased online on Amazon or eBay.
Violence in video games
All video games and apps are rated by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, also known as the ESRB. Many games containing mild violence will have a rating of T for teen. Games with more intense violence will receive a rating of M for mature audiences. Some games rated for persons 10 and older can contain slight violence as well.
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it matters if you allow violence from video games in your household if you allow it then yes it would be recommended but if you don't allow violence then i wouldn't have it unless the person playing or watching the game is old enough by the game rating (m for mature) and stuff like that
Well it is to make the game fun and exciting because if there was a game with no violence it wouldnt be really fun. But that does not mean you use violence off of video games though!=~Yoshirules~=
it doesnt
Micheal Atkinson
it depends on the game some are bad while others can be educational for kids and some can be good for adults it depends on the rating and who plays it along with how much violence
rating pending
Not at all.
There should be no reasons. As a parent, you should be able to tell if your kid is mature enough to handle the violent game without it transferring to his life. Just read the back of each game, there is a MSRB rating showing whether your kid is old enough for the game. If you think video game violence truly made your kid violent, your wrong. It is all about the parenting.