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If you forgot it you could call Nintendo and tell them you forgot your pin and answer to your secret question. You have to give them the Inquiry number shown on the DSi. They will give you a Master Key. You put the five-digit number into the DSi now you can change the pin and answer to the question. Hope it helped. :)

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12y ago
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12y ago

Yeah... right... you "forgot" it. It's not that your parents locked it and won't tell you the code, nope, never even crossed our mind.

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13y ago

you cant

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Q: What can you do when you forget your pin for dsi XL?
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go to settings and parental controls and select pin enter your old pin and then your new one

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Yes, the DSi charger is the same as the DSi XL.

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No they can not go into dsi XL or dsi. There is a possibility that the system will break. But there is a dsi or dsi XL TTDS like chips.

Why do they call a dsi XL a dsi XL?

The XL stands for 'eXtra Large'.

Can you use DSI games with DSI XL?

Of course!!! The dsi XL is just a bigger version of the dsi.

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where will you get nintendo dsi xl